Thursday, 10 January 2013


The final self care step I'll make mention of for liver detoxification is a classic Naturopathic treatment, one form of  hydrotherapy treatment, treatments the founders of our profession advocated and used extensively  This self care step is called the castor oil pack.
Castor oil packs are a bit more involved than adding turmeric, or lemon to your daily nutritional intake, and I do think the effects can be more profound. The topical application of castor oil over the liver area is an excellent way to support the liver's filtering function, while also promoting improved lymphatic circulation and bowel elimination.
Check out the easy you tube video for a list of contraindications, and the how to video for a very complete instructional demonstration. I would like to point out that i do not advocate using plastic with the pack, but rather sacrificing a castor oil towel or pillowcase, plastic and heat in my opinion are not a health promoting combination.


Wednesday, 9 January 2013


A simple herbal daily step towards detoxification is the addition of more turmeric to your daily diet. Most of us only know turmeric as a component of curry powder, or as a pickling spice, but it is in fact a wonderful herb with many healing properties. Its bitter principles make it  gently cleaning for the liver, and it's antioxidant and ant-inflammatory function make it a great adjunct to any cleansing efforts.
Add 1/2 tsp of ground turmeric to homemade salad dressings, stir fries, or even to your morning smoothies. You probably will not notice the taste, but you should notice it helping you on your way to more radiant health.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013


As we are traveling along the digestive tract from finish to start, past the bowels, we arrive at the liver. The liver acts as part of our digestive system by producing bile which helps to bind fat soluble materials in the intestine, then filters those substances, and others,  from the bloodstream through a myriad of enzyme systems.
A gentle, simple way to detoxify by supporting the liver's function is to start each day with a section of organic lemon squeezed into water.
It's important to include the rind with your section of lemon, as it contains high quantities of the essential oil limonene which is the part of the fruit that provides the most liver support.

Khalsa Way® Pregnancy Yoga Workshop
Taught by Blossom Bitting ND

Saturday February 16th,
9am-12 noon

Dance Breathe Practice Meditate

When it comes to pregnancy and childbirth, nothing can prepare a woman's body, mind and spirit better than The Khalsa Way® pregnancy yoga.
Learn techniques that will help to bring comfort through all stages of the prenatal period; conception, pregnancy, birth and beyond. The workshop will include a pregnancy yoga practice that you can continue at home throughout your pregnancy, for all levels of practice.

Please call to register, space is limited
Fee: $45

Pear Tree Clinic & Yoga Loft 1067 Champlain St Dieppe

Monday, 7 January 2013

STEP THREE: Inner Body Bright, Detoxify in 2013!

Adding plenty of water and extra fiber to your daily intake should be helping with " smoother" elimination. The third step towards basic bowel detoxification is adding a daily dose of probiotics. Probiotics are bacteria from fermented foods that lend benefit to human health. One of the benefits probiotics provide is helping with bowel regularity. I have seen many cases of patients with "IBS" have their symptoms resolve once probiotics are introduced. If dairy products pose no threat to your bowel health and function yogurt is probably the easiest way to have daily beneficial bacteria. All yogurt should have active culture so do not be fooled into thinking you need one specific yogurt brand. If dairy is not an option choose another healthy fermented food like kimchee, miso, or raw sauerkraut  or take a probiotic supplement that is labelled dairy free. y favorite probiotics are HMF forte by genestra, a well researched line which contain human specific strains of beneficial bacteria.

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Step Two:Inner Body Bright,Detoxify in 2013!

Wonder if you've mastered yesterday's step one of daily detoxification? How do you know if you're drinking enough water for your individual needs? One sign of OVER HYDRATION  is the consistent need to urinate more often than every 1.5 hrs. While one sign of UNDER HYDRATION is skin tenting, pinch the skin up on the back of your hand, if it stays tented that's a good sign your body and skin tissue need further hydration.
Step two towards detoxification through better elimination is adding dietary fiber. Ideally we want our bowels to move 1-3 times per day in a formed, soft, J or S shaped stool. I suggest consuming 25-30 grams of fiber daily. Foods that naturally contain lots of fiber and water like fruits, vegetables and cooked whole grains are a good place to start, but most of us have to supplement with a fiber rich seed to bring our totals up to goal levels. My favorites are ground flax seeds for women who could also benefit from gentle hormone balancing, and ground chia seeds which are also rich in protein and omega three fatty acids. Psyllium and bran are also popular choices, but are known to irritate the bowel in a segment of the population.

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

STEP ONE: Inner Body Bright, Detoxify in 2013

If you are thinking of making a few lifestyle changes that will increase your own radiance this year, to bring you more health, more energy, more bliss, the next 10 days will provide a daily dose of detox that can help you to sync better with natures rhythm.
The number one goal for us as we start to focus on detoxification is to ensure proper elimination. Yes, I am talking about poop. If our bowels are not emptying, any attempts we make at detoxification are moot. If toxins are carried into the intestine by way of bile from the liver, and  they sit there for several days, chances are at least some, of not most of them, will be re-absorbed.
The first step in your radiance plan is to ensure that you are drinking plenty of water. Our bodies do not metabolize properly without water, things do not move, they get sluggish. A general easy to remember rule for most adults is 8x8, 8 glasses of  8oz of water 9 just under 2 litres). A more specific formula is to drink the same number of oz, as your body weight in kg. For example a 160 lb person weighs 73kg, they should be drinking 73 ounces ( just over 2 litres) of water daily, plus an extra litre per hour of intense exercise.