Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Prevent Pollen Problems

 Spring is here, or so the calendar tells us. Warmer temperatures and seeing ALL of this snow melting is very inspiring for most of us. However, the snow's release of mold spores, coupled with upcoming pollen pollution can leave some running for cover. 
The following are a few quick naturopathic home care tips to help you prepare for allergy season. Better control over your allergies can leave you with more energy, better focus and a better mood. I usually recommend anyone who suffers from allergies to start a prevention plan around the time of the spring equinox. In other words, the time is now. 
Support your immune system- foods high in omega 3 fatty acids (fish,flax seeds,walnuts & hemp seeds) and pro-biotics (yogurt, keffir, kimchee, sauerkraut) help to balance the immune system, making it less reactive to allergens. Taking  a vitamin C supplement (at least 3000 mg per day, no more than 1500mg at a time) can act as a natural anti-histamine, helping to reduce the itchiness, redness and inflammation that comes along with allergies.
Take some honey in your tea- adding a teaspoon of local unpasteurized honey (I usually get mine from la fleur du pommier at the Moncton or Dieppe farmers market) to your diet can expose you to small quantities of local pollen which may help desensitize you to the spring time flood of pollen from trees and plants. Nettles is a mineral rich herb that has been used traditionally for allergy symptoms for centuries, it mixes well with peppermint to make a flavorful tisane appropriate for any age. I make and sell a tea blend called "132 Weldon" it deliciously combines these herbs with red raspberry leaves. 
Use a neti pot- an ancient yogic practice which has become mainstream in recent western culture,  partially due to Oprah promoting it about a decade ago, a neti pot is used to bathe your nasal passages with warm saline. It washes away any potential air born allergens that you've inhaled throughout the day or previous night.
See your ND- The above steps are basic and somewhat universal steps to help you to start to control your "spring fever". As always, you will get better results if you consult with a naturopathic doctor like myself, one on one, as we can address the specifics of what has perpetuated your individual imbalance.  We can also add tailored in office solutions such as acupuncture, specific herbal solutions, homeopathy, adrenal gland support, sleep aids, etc. 

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

How to nip an ear infection in the bud

Last month was a doozie in our house; a new born, more snow storms than ever before, and a cold that kept coming back. Admittedly with late pregnancy, the holidays, and all that the new year brought I had become a bit lax about my preschooler's immune support supplements. 
For the first time in his life my son complained of a sore ear. I took a quick peek at his ear canal and saw some redness and a little fluid behind the ear drum, but no frank infection. That day I whipped up an old faithful naturopathic home remedy, garlic ear oil. He did not love the sensation of receiving the ear drops, but by supper time his ear was forgotten and the slight temperature he had been running was back to normal. I checked his ear for the next three days and all was normal. 
Ear infection,  or otitis media, is one of the most common early childhood infections. This is partially due to the fact that little ones ear canal are more horizontal than adult tubes, making it less easy for them to drain on their own. An upper respiratory tract infection such as a cold, sore throat or cough can all contribute to fluid backing up into the ear canals. As this fluid sits it creates a localized area of inflammation and sets the stage for middle ear infection. 
Garlic is a powerful antibiotic, anti viral and it contains a natural anti- inflammatory; quercitin. Mullein is a commonly used herb in cough remedies as it helps to thin secretions, in this case, promoting drainage of fluid from the ears. 
Garlic Ear Oil
1/4 cup olive oil
4 cloves crushed garlic
Hand full dried mullein herb 
Stir olive oil, crushed and peeled garlic and mullein in a stainless steel sauce pan over low heat. Simmer, stirring occasionally for 25-30 minutes. Strain with a wire mesh tea strainer oil into a clean glass jar, discard herbs. Allow to cool before use. 
Run glass jar under hot water to heat oil to slightly about body temperature. Fill a eye dropper with oil. Have child lay down on side,with affected ear up. Drop 10-15 drops oil into ear, place cotton ball to keep oil from dripping out, have child lay in this position for up to 30 minutes if possible. Repeat 3 times per day. 

For the treatment of sore ears I would also suggest gentle massage from behind the ears down the sides of the neck towards the collar bones to promote fluid drainage. Repeat 15-20 times always starting behind the ears and moving downwards. Implementing warming socks hydrotherapy can also be helpful to ward off early signs of ear infection, and to help reduce fever naturally. Place a pair of cold wet well wrung cotton socks on your child's feet, then place dry wool socks on top, leave them on overnight or until the feet warm up during the day. 
Please note, this home remedy does not take the place of naturopathic or conventional medical attention. It should only be used at the first sign of ear discomfort or if you know for sure the ear drum is intact.