Recently I sat down with my colleagues from the Pear Tree Naturopathic Clinic to discuss concepts of natural beauty. We collectively looked beyond the physical aspects of self image; to the deeper qualities of self care, self acceptance and self expression. When I reflected later about where I see beauty fitting into my practice, I found myself back where I most often admire beauty; in nature herself.
I truly believe that my love and appreciation for nature led me to this medical profession, which was founded in nature cure. Nature cure being the use of water, foods, and exercise to bring a person back to health. I recognize within myself a deep personal need for daily exposure to green spaces, water vistas and “fresh air”.
Thereby the concept brought forth in Richard Louv’s book, Last Child in the Woods, is very one close my heart. It discusses how being overly “plugged in” has isolated us from the wonderful benefits we receive by being close to nature, and how some people have adapted very well to the electronic era, whereas others suffer from the effects of “nature deficit disorder”.
Nature-deficit disorder is not a medical condition; it is a description
of the human costs of alienation from nature. This alienation
damages children and shapes adults, families, and communities.
There are solutions, though, and they’re right in our own backyards.
The following is a list of ten things you can do with your family to spend time fostering an appreciation for nature, the list was originally published at, however I’ve added a little local content.
1. Be a role model!
Remember, children will get excited about something when you are genuinely excited about it, too! Model the behavior you want your children to emulate. Demonstrate your own curiosity about nature sharing what you love to do in the outdoors with your kids. You can model respect for nature through simple everyday activities like recycling and not littering. Sharing your natural interests is the best motivation a child can have to participate.
Remember, children will get excited about something when you are genuinely excited about it, too! Model the behavior you want your children to emulate. Demonstrate your own curiosity about nature sharing what you love to do in the outdoors with your kids. You can model respect for nature through simple everyday activities like recycling and not littering. Sharing your natural interests is the best motivation a child can have to participate.
2. Plan a monthly or weekly surprise outdoor adventure!
Every Sunday, or once a month, plan a surprise outdoor trip with your kids. You could go to your local river, beach, forest, nature preserve, or city park! Planning surprise family fun time builds kids’ excitement for the next adventure, and helps demonstrate how you value your time with them.
3. Organize a monthly outing with your child’s school/ day care.
Be the parent who plans the monthly outing with families in your child’s class. Exploring the great outdoors can be easier and closer than you think. Trips can include the beach, hiking on the Dobson trail, national parks, or fishing. Do some research on beautiful areas near you. Build community with your child’s class and instill in them a love of nature.
4. Follow the AAP’s guidelines and limit TV and video games to 1-2 hours a day!
5. Take a daily or weekly walk together as a family after dinner.
In the evenings after dinner, go for a nice family stroll with your kids. A walk around the neighborhood, saying hello to neighbors, pointing out flowers or birds, and catching up on the days’ events is a great way to spend quality time with your kids outside and get a little exercise together.
6. Register your child for an outdoor summer camp.
There are hundreds of great outdoor camps that your child can attend across the country or in your region. Give them a dose of the outdoors, a chance to make new friends, and fall in love with nature during summer vacation next year. Some accredited camps cost as little as $75 per week.
There are hundreds of great outdoor camps that your child can attend across the country or in your region. Give them a dose of the outdoors, a chance to make new friends, and fall in love with nature during summer vacation next year. Some accredited camps cost as little as $75 per week.
7. Go camping!
Provincial and national parks are being used less and less every year. Grab your tent, sleeping bag, and camp stove and teach your child how to camp! Camping in national parks is a great cost-effective family vacation that can be fun and educational. Go out and enjoy local parks or take a road trip and discover national treasures around the country.
8. Plant a garden.
Plant a vegetable, flower or herb garden in your backyard, at your child’s school, or take part in an urban community garden plot. School or home food gardens teach kids how to be smart about nature, nutrition, and make better food choices. Take advantage of whatever small amount of outdoor space to which you have access and experiment with a vegetable, herb, or plant garden. It’s a great way to learn about nature alongside your children and get your hands dirty in rich soil.
9. Buy a field guide.
Field guides make every walk in the park an educational experience! A good quality field or nature guide helps you name and identify what you find outside. Guides can teach you about the favorite foods of the animals or the flowering and fruiting times of plants. That walk around the block can become an educational experience for you and your children, my favorites include Merrit Gibsons Bird watching, Summer Nature notes for Nova Scotians SEASHORES by merit Gibson, Wildflowers of NS, NB and PEI by Mary Primrose & Marian Munro.
10. Link up with a nature lover’s organizations!
Moncton Outdoor enthusiasts
New Brunswick Conservation Council
Children and Nature Network
Boy Scouts
Girl Scouts
Outward Bound
Wildlife Conservation Society
Earth Explore Adventures
National Audubon Society
Into the Outside
Ecological Literacy Program
Geography Action
Sierra Club
The Society for Amateur Scientists
National Environmental Directory
10. Link up with a nature lover’s organizations!
Moncton Outdoor enthusiasts
Children and Nature Network
Boy Scouts
Girl Scouts
Outward Bound
Wildlife Conservation Society
Earth Explore Adventures
National Audubon Society
Into the Outside
Ecological Literacy Program
Geography Action
Sierra Club
The Society for Amateur Scientists
National Environmental Directory
I wish you and your family great times together as you rediscover the beauty & bounty nature has to offer us all. More time spent outdoors will equal more time spent growing in good health.