Wednesday, 3 October 2012

You Give Me Fever.....

What to do if your child (older than 6 months) has a fever.
The definition of a fever is a raise in core body temperature and is measured as rectal temperatures greater than38°C, oral temperatures greater than 37.8°C, and under the arm
greater than 37.2°C. Many parents are surprised when I emphasize the importance of allowing a fever to run its course.  A fever is part of our body’s immune system. We want to encourage our little one’s immune systems to react to infection. A fever is designed to help fight off infection. Higher temperatures make our bodies into inhospitable sites for bacterial and viral replication. Conventional medicine and pharmaceutical advertisements teach us to lower a fever, or give acetaminophen, preventatively “just in case” your child may develop a fever. This constant suppression of the immune system’s natural response may be sending the wrong message. Naturopathic medicine aims to support the body’s ability to keep itself healthy. Fever is part of that health maintenance.  
A mild fever up to 39°C may require no treatment at all. Your child may be very uncomfortable, unable to rest, and have no appetite with a mild to moderate fever.
In children the degree of illness does not necessarily directly correlate to the temperature level. For example a child may quickly mount a fever of 39.4 °C in response to a common cold virus.
Generally with a fever of 39.4 or above, the child will look and feel quite ill. This is the range is wherein natural therapeutics can be used to moderate the fever and help make the child more comfortable, rather than suppressing the immune systems innate attempt to ward off infection.
When the fever reaches higher temperatures over 40°C, seeing your naturopathic doctor (or other primary care provider) is recommended. If you cannot reach your ND, a fever within this range may require acetaminophen to help you stay calm as a parent, and may be needed to keep your child comfortable enough to sleep, etc. In general a fever will not just keep going up, and a fever less than 41°C will not cause damage. A moderate to high fever lasting longer than three days should also be investigated. Any fever in a child under the age of six months is considered a medical emergency and should be seen by a physician as soon as possible.

To treat your child’s fever at home with natural remedies the most important thing is to ensure the child is getting lots of liquids to stay well hydrated. This is especially important if the fever is accompanied by diarrhea or vomiting. It is advisable to give sips of an electrolyte replacement throughout the duration of the fever.

Homemade Electrolyte replacement drink (sugar free, dye free, aspartame free)
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1 tablespoon honey (if child is over 1 year) / maple syrup.
6 oz frozen 100 % juice concentrate (grape/ orange/ apple/ pineapple)
6 cups water

It is a good idea to have a small home apothecary that stocks several of these treatment options to have on hand when symptoms arise;

Botanical Teas: cat nip, peppermint, and yarrow all encourage sweating which can help a fever to break, give any of these teas in single or combination 1 cup every 4 hours, may sweeten with honey to taste.

Hydrotherapy: warming socks treatment; saturate pair of fitted cotton socks with very cold water, wring them out, put them on your child’s feet, put thick, dry wool socks on top. Leave both pairs on overnight or for 6-8 hours if the child is in bed during the day.

Homeopathy: Choose the remedy that fits your child’s symptom picture best. Dose 30C potency with 3 pellets every 2-3 hours until the fever breaks, then every 5-6 hours until all symptoms resolve.
Hot red skin, flushed face, dilated pupils, excited mentally, mouth and throat feel dry but child is not thirsty. Feels worse with pressure, light or motion.
Nux Vomica
Child has fever with chills, feels worse when touched, worse after eating, feels better from strong pressure and from naps. Child is especially irritable mentally.
Child is weepy, whiney, clingy, wants to be held, wants affection, makes you feel sorry for them.
Child has pain causing irritation causing an uncomfortable, inconsolable state. Often has one red cheek, fever often accompanied with green diarrhea.

As aforementioned, fever often causes much fear in the hearts and minds of parents of young children. It is important to remember that the fever is mounted to help with recovery, it is part of your child’s immune system. As always, if in doubt, call on the help of a medical professional.